Becky Naab is a PRC AmeriCorps VISTA serving with the FoodCorps team in Livingston.
As an avid basketball
fan, March is the time of year college basketball is at its best with the March
Madness tournament. As a FoodCorps member March is the time of year when it becomes
time to start getting ready to garden and plan spring events. Both are reasons why I absolutely love the month of March.
Window box planting |
This month I finally received some Nancy’s Garden Boxes. These boxes are made from recycled Montana state license plates and wood, and are distributed as part of the Governor’s
and First Lady’s Math and Science Initiative.
I made sure to get one for each classroom I teach in (nine total).
Currently, we are growing a variety of lettuces and some basil in the boxes.
When finished, the lettuce and basil will be part of a fundraiser meal I am
coordinating with our 5
th grade students and teachers. The meal will
feature as many local ingredients as possible, including our lettuce and basil,
Pasta Montana pasta, homemade rolls made with Wheat Montana flour, and
Wilcoxson’s Huckleberry Ice Cream, which is made right here in Livingston! The
students will be working with a local chef to prepare and serve the meal to
their parents and other guests. All the money raised for the event will provide funding for project based learning activities for our 5th graders as well as Farm to School!
Speaking of
fundraising I have begun a new venture --planning the inaugural Livingston Farm
to School 5K! For this run we will literally be running from Geyser Farms in
Livingston to one of our schools! I have never organized a run before so I was
a little apprehensive to do this, but with the encouragement and support of my
supervisor, I’m working hard to make it happen. I’m learning that a lot more
goes into planning a run than one might think. Recently, I met with our city
commissioner, and he gave me then run down on all the regulations I must follow,
along with a packet of paperwork to fill out. Luckily for me, our city
commissioner is also a run
More paperwork |
organizer as well. He gave me tons of advice and
tips from the best ways to time the runners to where I could get free running
bibs (the number you attach to yourself while running for identification). The
planning of this run in the next couple months will be hectic, but I know in
the end it will be worth it
. Runners
mark your calendars for Saturday June 2nd and come down to
Livingston for our Farm to School Run! Seriously, if you’re interested let
me know. Registration will hopefully start the end of April.
Finally I’ve been working with one our most enthusiastic
science teachers at the middle school to start a new garden. I had 5 raised
beds built by the industrial tech class at the high school this winter with
some leftover grant money. After the students come back from spring break, we
will be breaking ground, setting the boxes, and planting! While I’m excited to
get the garden started, I’m even more enthused about having a teacher so on
board and willing to take ownership of the new garden. It was my greatest fear
that I would start a garden, be all alone slaving
over it
until I finished my year of service in July, and then leaving it to die without
another caretaker. Now I have no worries and am anxious to get this garden
As you can see March has been a busy month for me. From Farm to School event planning to watching the March Madness tournament, my plate has been full and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Mixing business with pleasure. Watching the Griz in class! |