Natasha Hegmann is an MTCC AmeriCorps VISTA serving with the FoodCorps team in Ennis.
Natasha explaining the garden layout |
I’m also working on cooking up culture on a different scale: a culture of active kids, healthy families and vibrant communities. Take building a school garden:
- 30 volunteers
- 13 yds soil
- 11 yds cedar mulch
- 300 ft lumber
- Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, screws, weed barrier, garden gloves and other assorted tools
- A warm spring day
pretty simple so far? The ingredients may seem straightforward, but getting
them together is a bit trickier. It took hours of committee planning, meeting
with community leaders, soliciting support from partner organizations, and
grant writing to bring everything together for our first scheduled garden work
day this past Saturday. Even then, we were short a warm spring day. Instead we
had clouds, breeze and graupel off and on throughout the
Luckily, the recipe is quite forgiving. Elementary school boys don’t care what kind of precipitation is coming down so long as they have toy dump trucks to haul soil around in. Committed parents and community members break sparingly for refreshments when the culmination of a garden project more than six months in the making is finally within reach. And I was too giddy from the unprecedented support and incredible progress for chilly fingers to deter my rock picking.
Luckily, the recipe is quite forgiving. Elementary school boys don’t care what kind of precipitation is coming down so long as they have toy dump trucks to haul soil around in. Committed parents and community members break sparingly for refreshments when the culmination of a garden project more than six months in the making is finally within reach. And I was too giddy from the unprecedented support and incredible progress for chilly fingers to deter my rock picking.
result of all this hard work is a beautiful school garden with ten raised beds
and two perennial gardens that rose out of rocks, weeds and litter in just four
hours. An amazing feat, but I think the success will just get sweeter as
students plant seeds in their garden beds and as they watch the garden’s
progress throughout the summer.
Every student
and teacher will have the opportunity to add their own special touch to the
Ennis Mustang School Garden recipe. Kindergartners will plant a rainbow of
vegetables, fourth graders will sow and save seeds from heirloom rattlesnake
snap beans, and a collection of native perennial plant species will gradually
overtake parts of the garden. The school garden recipe may have a simple
ingredient list, but its story is uniquely tied to the community where it
resides. The most exciting part of the process is seeing what grows!
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Before |
After |
Without the bottomless energy and good spirits of Natasha, Madison Farm to Fork would be far less than it is today! And, Kendra, your design is beautiful!