Everything is going to work out, perfectly, I thought. Here in Lake County, several schools were interested in finding fresh, local carrots for Farm to School month. Did you catch that, several schools? I was psyched at the chance to engage schools in cooperative purchasing, because by increasing volume, the price would drop correspondingly, according to basic principles of economics.
Affordable, local carrots? Sounds great to me!
Then the phone rang, like a shrill alarm clock waking me
from my happy dream. The two delivery trucks were different heights, and
therefore did not line up to move the palette. The delivery driver from WMGC
would have to hand-load each 50lb bag of carrots. This would add an extra $3
per 50lbs to the cost of the product. I know that this seems like a mere 6
cents per pound, but to a food service director even pennies will break the
Will all of our Farm to School Month activities be derailed
by the difference of 18 inches
between truck beds? I worried.

The first challenge is to identify what items are in season
and what the availability is. Is there a farmer with 500 pounds of cabbage? How does it
get to the school?
Then there’s labor. While many schools wanted to serve
winter squash during Farm to School month, practically no cafeteria had the
staff time to cut up something as labor intensive as butternut squash.
And then there's the unexpected obstacles, like the difference in sizes of truck beds.
My job to to help all the partners work through each of these challenges, one by one, until finally, with enough
sweat--and, okay, maybe a few tears—we can get fresh healthy food to kids who need it. And it's working! During Farm to School month, Flathead-area schools served carrots, parsnips, beets, squash, and
grass-fed beef in delicious menu offerings including stuffed bell peppers
and homemade meatballs with local pasta.
But even on the delicious school meal days, I was reminded that my job extends beyond just getting the food to the schools, and into getting the food into kids' bellies. Sure, lots of
kids devoured the local, tasty meals. AND, I witnessed enough servings of
squash in the trash can to get re-inspired to work on the educational aspects
of Farm to School, like cooking classes, taste tests, and school gardens.
At least I'm no longer worried about what to do in the winter!
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